Anxiety Counseling In Englewood, CO

You wake up in the middle of the night and have a million things on your mind. Thinking through situations you could’ve handled better, thinking about your to-do list, and did you remember to check your calendar for tomorrow? You feel like you’re in the rat race and it feels impossible to keep up sometimes. Now you can’t get back to sleep so you figure you’ll do some work hoping that it’ll calm the anxiety so you can get back to sleep. Inevitably, it just wakes you up all the more!

After a long night of battling with sleep, you go through your day now feeling groggy and on edge, and it fuels that gnawing feeling in your stomach. You feel like you missed something, did something wrong, and can’t shake this vague feeling of dread.

You feel like you can’t focus on anything whether it’s your friends, kids, or work. You have all of this pent up energy that needs to go somewhere, but you don’t know how to get rid of it. It drives you MAD!

You shouldn’t have to face the anxiety alone.

Imagine how amazing it would feel to wake up in the morning feeling rested and at peace. That you don’t have to worry about what comes next or what bad thing is just around the corner. You can finally just live in the moment. You body is so relaxed you can eat a full meal without feeling sick, you can easily go to sleep without your mind keeping you awake, and you notice you have more capacity for challenging situations. Instead of just reacting—you slow down and think about what you want to say. You also have more capacity to engage in life! You grow a solid community around you, invest in meaningful relationships, and enjoy life

You know you can conquer whatever the day brings! You feel so present in your body and in whatever situation you’re in. You feel alive as you run around the backyard with your kids, belly laugh with your friends about the latest news, and engage in your work in a whole new way. You didn’t know life could feel so free and fulfilling without the anxiety hanging over your head.

You deserve to feel peaceful in life and relationships.

Many of us know what it’s like to feel like your anxiety is taking over your life. You don’t have to stay in that place of worry and stuckness forever. I have helped women get out of that cycle of fear and anxiety and move into a place of feeling confidence, free, and at peace. I do this by walking you through specific tools and ways of thinking that will help you know what you need in moments of anxiety so we can calm it together.

I help women achieve this by using my extensive experience working with women who struggle with anxiety and feeling out-of tune with themselves using an attachment-based approach to provide 1:1 sessions virtually and in person so they can gain confidence, improve relationships, and discover their purpose.


  • That is up to you and what you’re specifically needing! Here are some examples to get you started:

    • To lessen the impact of anxiety on your daily life

    • To find coping skills that help lower anxiety in the moment

    • To learn more about the patterns that keep you stuck in anxiety so we can change those

  • This is a great question. Anxiety can present differently in different people so if it doesn’t look exactly like I described it above–that’s perfectly fine and normal! Whatever your anxiety looks like–I can help!

  • That’s wonderful that you’ve tried other coping strategies! In our therapy, I would ask what all you have tried to lessen the anxiety including what has worked and what hasn’t worked. We will explore why things haven’t worked and move from there! I have hope that by us exploring these patterns of anxiety together we can find a way through it.

  • First off, I want to acknowledge that if you’re asking this question I imagine you’ve been wrestling with anxiety for a long time. That is so incredibly hard, and you shouldn’t have to struggle with this alone. 

    Secondly, I’m not sure we can 100% make the anxiety go away. I never promise guarantees, but what I can say is that by learning more about you and your situation I believe we can find different ways of handling the anxiety when it comes up so it doesn’t overtake your life and mental space. 

    What do I mean by that? When I’ve worked with clients in the past they explain that their anxiety feels like it’s sitting right in front of their face and they can’t see past it to do things they need or want to in life (ex: being present with friends/family, taking care of themselves, contributing more at work). I believe we can find tools that will help you set the anxiety aside for a time so you can do the things you need to do and then go back to the anxiety when the timing is more appropriate.

Take the first step in getting ahold of the anxiety. Schedule a complimentary consultation.